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Glyphosate, Obesity, Allergies & Other Bad Stuff

Writer's picture: Joan Rothchild HardinJoan Rothchild Hardin

Maybe you eat a diet full of healthy veggies, fruits and proteins but still are gaining weight. The problem may well be that what should be healthy isn't. These all look like healthful foods, don't they? But maybe they're not.

Remember Glyphosate?

While most of us who were teenagers or adults in the 1960's and early 1970's were trying to figure out how to live our lives and maybe protesting or participating in the Vietnam War, Monsanto, the American agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology giant was busy working on a compound called Glyphosate for use as a commercial weed and pest killer. Using its cozy connections with the FDA to get approval for this dangerous product, Monsato was able to bring Roundup® to market in 1974. It quickly became the leading herbicide/pesticide in the world. (Science Direct, 2023)

While creating Glyphosate to spray on crops worldwide, Monsanto also developed genetically modified seeds (GMO) that are engineered to be 'RoundUp Ready', able to survive the direct application of Glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Roundup®. Unlike natural seeds, these genetically modified seeds contain a gene derived from Agrobacterium sp.strain CP4, encoding a glyphosate-tolerant enzyme, the so-called CP4 EPSP synthase. (Funke, 2006)

Glyphosate is Likely Carcinogenic

"The vast majority of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) grown in the U.S. are engineered to produce their own pesticides, or survive direct application of pesticides. For example, Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops are engineered to survive direct application of glyphosate (the primary ingredient in Roundup). Glyphosate is the world’s most heavily used herbicide." (As You Sow, 2023)

In 2015 it was classified as a probable human carcinogen by the the world’s leading cancer authority, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. (IARC, 2015)

This toxic product has been shown to exist in the bodies of over 90% of the US population. (Hardin, 6/2/2016)

Because exposure to the herbicide "not only poses a risk to human health and a variety of living organisms but it also threatens biodiversity and the future of agriculture", many other countries have already totally or partially banned the use of Glyphosate. (Pesticide Action Network: Europe, 2023)

Our Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has consistently refused to acknowledge how dangerous Glyphosate is so it's still legal to use it in most of the US.

Numerous studies have shown a causal connection between Glyphosate and many serious diseases.

Glyphosate Is a Danger to Humans, Other Animals and the Planet

High glyphosate levels are turning up everywhere:

  • In our blood

  • In urine

  • In water supplies

  • In the soil

  • In breast milk

Glyphosate levels have been found to be significantly higher in the urine of humans who ate non-organic food, compared with those who ate mostly organic food. Chronically ill people showed significantly higher glyphosate residues in their urine than healthy people. (emphasis added)” (Robinson, Antoniou & Fagan, 2015)

Are GMOs Safe?

The FDA is tasked with ensuring that all the foods we eat are “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). "However, most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe. In more than 50 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs." (Brogan, undated)

Unexpected Effects and Health risks Posed by Genetic Engineered Foods


"Genetically engineered foods are inherently unstable. Each insertion of a novel gene, and the accompanying “cassette” of promoters, antibiotic marker systems and vectors, is random. GE food producers simply do not know where their genetic “cassette” is being inserted in the food, nor do they know enough about the genetic/chemical makeup of foods to establish a “safe” place for such insertions. As a result, each gene insertion into a food amounts to playing food safety “roulette,” with the companies hoping that the new genetic material does not destabilize a safe food and make it hazardous. Each genetic insertion creates the added possibility that formerly nontoxic elements in the food could become toxic....

"FDA’s response to the potential toxicity problem with genetically engineered foods was to ignore it. They disregarded their own scientists, the clear scientific evidence and the deaths and illnesses already attributed to this problem. The agency refused to require pre-market toxicological testing for GE foods or any toxicity monitoring. (emphasis added)"

Allergic Reactions

"The genetic engineering of food creates two separate and serious health risks involving allergenicity. The first is that genetic engineering can transfer allergens from foods to which people know they are allergic, to foods that they think are safe (emphasis added). This risk is not hypothetical. A study by the New England Journal of Medicine showed that when a gene from a Brazil nut was engineered into soybeans, people allergic to nuts had serious reactions to the engineered product. At least one food, a Pioneer Hi-Bred International soybean, was abandoned because of this problem. Without labeling, people with known food allergies have no way of avoiding the potentially serious health consequences of eating GE foods containing hidden allergenic material.

"There is another allergy risk associated with GE foods. These foods could be creating thousands of different and new allergic responses (emphasis added). Each genetic “cassette” being engineered into foods contains a number of novel proteins (in the form of altered genes, bacteria, viruses, promoters, marker systems, and vectors) which have never been part of the human diet. Each of these numerous novel proteins could create an allergic response in some consumers. The FDA was also well aware of this new and potentially massive allergenicity problem. The agency’s scientists repeatedly warned that genetic engineering could “produce a new protein allergen.”

"Once again the agency’s own scientists urged long-term testing. However, the FDA again ignored its own scientists."

Antibiotic Resistance

"Another hidden risk of GE foods is that they could make disease-causing bacteria resistant to current antibiotics, resulting in a significant increase in the spread of infections and diseases in the human population (emphasis added). Virtually all genetically engineered foods contain “antibiotic resistance markers” which help the producers identify whether the new genetic material has actually been transferred into the host food. FDA’s large-scale introduction of these antibiotic marker genes into the food supply could render important antibiotics useless in fighting human diseases. For example, a genetically engineered maize plant from Novartis includes an ampicillin-resistance gene. Ampicillin is a valuable antibiotic used to treat a variety of infections in people and animals. A number of European countries, including Britain, refused to permit the Novartis Bt corn to be grown, due to health concerns that the ampicillin resistance gene could move from the corn into bacteria in the food chain, making ampicillin far less effective in fighting a wide range of bacterial infections.

"Again, FDA officials have ignored their own scientists’ concerns over the antibiotic resistance problem. Meanwhile, the British Medical Association (BMA) addressed this problem in its own study of GE foods. The BMA’s conclusion was unequivocal: 'There should be a ban on the use of antibiotic resistance marker genes in GM food, as the risk to human health from antibiotic resistance developing in microorganisms is one of the major public health threats that will be faced in the 21st century.' "


"The well-respected British medical journal, The Lancet, published an important study conducted by Drs. Arpad Pusztai and Stanley W.B. Ewen under a grant from the Scottish government. The study examined the effect on rats of the consumption of potatoes genetically engineered to contain the biopesticide Bacillus Thuringiensis (B.t.). Thescientists found that the rats consuming geneticallyaltered potatoes showed significant detrimentaleffects on organ development, body metabolism, and immune function.

The biotechnology industry launched a major attack on Dr. Pusztai and his study. However, they have as of yet not produced a single study of their own to refute his findings. Moreover, twenty-two leading scientists recently declared that animal test results linking genetically engineered foods to immuno-suppression are valid."


"Along with its approval of GE foods, the FDA in 1993 also approved the use of genetically engineered recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), used to induce dairy cows to produce more milk. At the time the FDA assured consumers that the milk was safe. Since then, however, regulatory bodies in both Canada and Europe have rejected the drug, citing numerous animal and human health concerns. Perhaps of most immediate concern for consumers is that research shows that the levels of a hormone called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) are increased in dairy products produced from cows treated with rBGH. The Canadians and Europeans further found that the FDA had completely failed to consider a study which showed that the increased IGF-1 in rBGH milk could survive digestion and make its way into the intestines and blood streams of consumers. These findings are significant because numerous studies now demonstrate that IGF-1 is an important factor in the growth of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer."Brogan, undated)

Loss of Nutrition

"Genetic engineering can also alter the nutritional value of food. In 1992, the FDA’s Divisions of Food Chemistry & Technology and Food Contaminants Chemistry examined the problem of nutrient loss in GE foods. The scientists involved specifically warned the agency that the genetic engineering of foods could result in “undesirable alteration in the level of nutrients” of such foods. They further noted that these nutritional changes “may escape breeders’ attention unless genetically engineered plants are evaluated specifically for these changes.” Once again, the FDA ignored findings by their own scientists and never subjected the foods to mandatory government testing of any sort."

- Center for Food Safety, 2023

From a discussion about the safety of Roundup® Ready crops on an MIT website:


"Concerns about the effects of genetically engineered foods on health have to do with both the crops themselves along with the toxicity of the herbicide Roundup. The EPA currently regulates the allowable concentration of glyphosate in the drinking water, and says that glyphosate is safe for humans in small concentrations. However, with the use of Roundup on the crops, consumers may be ingesting more of the chemical than they realize.

(Delano, 2009)

The Connection Between Glyphosate and Weight

Now that you've got an understanding of how dangerous Glyphosate is to humans, other creatures and the overall ecology of our planet, here's why its presence in the foods we eat, in our water supplies and the air we breathe may be causing you to gain weight and also make it hard to lose it.

"Are you struggling with your weight? Are you eating well and exercising but still not losing weight? Well then, it might be time to consider what’s on or in what you are eating or what you are eating eats. Sound complicated? It’s not. An emerging body of evidence shows a strong link between eating foods sprayed with commercial herbicides and eating meats raised on commercial feedlots (that are born and bred on a cocktail of chemicals) and obesity." (Marrs, 2019)

"After years of eating highly processed and chemically laden fruits, vegetables and meats, the bacteria in our guts shift radically towards a species that emit what are called endotoxins. These endotoxin releasing bacteria induce inflammation, which then shifts a series biochemical pathways that favor fat storage as a protective and compensatory reaction to the steady state of chemicals coming from our diet and the lack of nutrients contained within these foods. Indeed, what we now call autoimmune reactions, the continued elevation in inflammation and antibodies, may be a result of the food we eat (and the other pharmacological and environmental chemical exposures). It turns out, that the constant state of inflammation many of us find ourselves in is the body’s way of trying to clear those toxins." (Marrs, 2019)

"With obesity in particular, there have been several interesting studies published over the last couple years providing clear links between chemical exposures and fat storage. Whether the body stores fat or uses fat depends upon the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut and that balance is predicated heavily upon nutrient availability and toxic exposures. High calorie, low nutrient, chemically dosed foods, shift bacterial communities that increase fat storage and inflammation. Not only that, but since gut bacteria metabolize dietary vitamins and even synthesize vitamins from scratch on their own, the high fat, low nutrient, chemically laden diet downregulates the vitamin producing bacteria, in favor of the more pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. This further depletes nutrient stores while enhancing inflammation. The cycle becomes very difficult to end, as anyone struggling to lose weight knows all too well. There is hope, however. New research from disparate sources demonstrates how reducing the toxic load and increasing nutrient availability can re-calibrate fat usage and storage parameters." (Marrs, 2019)

Gut Bacteria and Obesity

"Just a few years ago, researchers from Shanghai, China identified one of the gut bacterial over growths associated with obesity and published their results in a paper entitled: An opportunistic pathogen isolated from the gut of an obese human causes obesity in germfree mice. Called enterobacter clocae, the endotoxin producing bacteria was found overpopulated in the gut of a severely obese patient who was also insulin resistant, hypertensive and suffered from the array of obesity related health issues. The enterobacter clocae pathogens made up 35% of the total bacterial content in this patient’s gut; a huge bacterial load. Knowing that enterobacter emitted endotoxins and that endotoxins were associated with inflammation and insulin dysregulation, the researchers speculated that a reduction in the enterobacter population would correspond with a reduction in weight and the other health issues. They were correct. With a special diet and traditional Chinese herbs, weight loss and health parameters changed along with the reduction in toxic load. After 9 weeks, enterobacter represented only 1.7% of the total gut bacteria and at 23 weeks, .32%. The total weight loss during that period was 50kg or 110lbs...." (Marrs, 2019)

Nutritional Perils of the Western Diet

"The Western diet has become a synonymous with highly processed foods that barely resemble actual food in nutrient and DNA composition. Indeed, in our efforts to produce the largest and prettiest produce, we’ve cultivated out 95% of the genetic variation from food crops; reducing to almost nothing the ~200,000 plant metabolites that provide nutrition. To make matters worse, we have substituted nutritionally rich and diverse crops with ones that originate from plant seeds engineered with bacterial RNA and DNA and are laced with glyphosate, adjuvants and other chemicals. In addition, all commercial meat production relies heavily on genetically modified, glyphosate-doused feed to grow the cattle, combined with prophylactic antibiotics, growth hormones and a cocktail of other chemicals that compensate for the deplorable conditions under which Western foods are produced. The genetically modified, chemically laden food stuffs are then sold to the consumer as fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy or processed even further into other food-like products. From beginning to end of the food chain are exposures to chemicals and foreign bacterial DNA that our bodies cannot accommodate and that provide only limited nutrients.

"So, in addition to the direct exposure to chemical toxicants, conventionally grown Western foodstuffs also impair health by reducing vital nutrient content required for even the most basic cell functioning. By disrupting the balance between good gut bacteria and bad or pathogenic bacteria conventionally grown further disrupts nutrient availability while increasing inflammation and the cascade of ill-health is set in motion." (Marrs. 2019)

Metabolic Starvation in the Face of Obesity

"As we’ve covered previously, every cell in the body requires energy to exist and function. That energy comes in the form of

mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate or (ATP). The production of ATP requires nutrients as co-factors and for enzyme functioning. Many of these nutrients come from diet and others are produced de novo or from scratch by the bacteria in our gut. Glyphosate grown foods attack both. Glyphosate reduces the nutrient availability of foodstuffs, even in the less processed, presumed healthy fruits and vegetables, while simultaneously killing the good bacteria in our guts. Glyphosate is a potent bactericide that in a perverse twist of design preferentially targets the beneficial bacteria while leaving untouched the opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, like enterobacter clocae. So while eating a healthy diet might lead to weight loss and improved health outcomes under normal circumstances, when that diet consists of conventionally grown foods, with genetically engineered seeds capable of withstanding the toxic insults of glyphosate and its adjuvants, neither the diet nor the disrupted intestinal flora can produce the nutrients required to enable healthy cellular metabolism. The GM-glyphosate combo induces a state of metabolic starvation and through a number of survival pathways and shifts towards fat storage rather than fat loss as a secondary source of energy.

"Critical to this entire equation is the fact that the bactericidal properties of glyphosate disrupt normal gut microflora. Glyphosate directly shifts the balance of power away from the healthy, vitamin and mineral factories that feed the body’s enzymes and mitochondria, towards more pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to glyphosate and may even feed on it, further evoking metabolic starvation. As the bacterial balance continues to shift, disease appears and inflammation ensues. Those diseases are then treated pharmacologically with drugs that also disrupt gut bacteria, deplete nutrient stores and damage mitochondria. The cascade of ill-health becomes more and more difficult to end using traditional approaches. Moreover, where and how disease appears is as much based upon individual predispositions as it is on nutrition and other exposures, making the complexity of modern illness something modern medicine is not accustomed too. In other words, these diseases do not fit neatly into the one disease, one medication model, and thus, very rarely respond favorably to treatment." (Marrs, 2019)

I've quoted extensively from Dr Chandler Marrs' 2019 article Glyphosate Induced Obesity? because she's explained it all so succinctly. You can read her entire article here.

Stephanie Senneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of many articles related to biology and medicine, spells out how Glyphosate alters the composition of the gut microbiome, leading to obesity.

In short, as Stephanie Senneff says:

If you want to read the results of a scientific study that assessed the potential effect of glyphosate on healthy human microbiota, see Does Glyphosate Affect the Human Microbiota?. The study demonstrated that more than one-half of the human microbiome is intrinsically sensitive to glyphosate. (Puigbò, 2022)

Glyphosate Also Depletes Glutathione, Our Master Antioxidant

And then there's our body's main antioxidant. Mark Hyman, a respected physician and author, points out that Glyphosate depletes glutathione in the body, causing serious harm to our health:

"Glutathione is involved in the detoxification of both xenobiotic and endogenous compounds. It facilitates excretion from cells (Hg), facilitates excretion from body (POPs, Hg) and directly neutralizes (POPs, many oxidative chemicals)." (Pizzorno, 2014).

The Standard American Diet. Its Acronym Is Aptly SAD.

As I wrote in an earlier post about the dangers of Glyphosate:

"Having apparently lost the ability to understand the function of food – to provide nourishment that keeps us well, we’ve reached the point of calling everything we put in our stomachs ‘food’. (Hardin, 5/16/2016)

"You probably know that there’s a world of difference between packaged foods and real foods. After all, most packaged foods wouldn’t be shelf stable without the inclusion of chemical preservatives and highly processed ingredients.

"What may surprise you is that many of the foods in the supermarket that look “real” – dairy, meat and fresh produce – are themselves practically fake foods, filled with additives and chemicals and processed nearly beyond recognition, or digestibility." (YogaEsoteric, 2017)

Foods Sprayed with Glyphosate

In addition to the ones shown above, there are many other foods we eat that are sprayed with Glyphosate. Check the Environmental Working Group's 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce to learn more. The EWG is an excellent source of information on which foods are safe to eat, which personal products are safe to use, tap water safety and much more.

And, as Marrs pointed out above, we also need to look at what we eat eats. She says, "An emerging body of evidence shows a strong link between eating foods sprayed with commercial herbicides and eating meats raised on commercial feedlots (that are born and bred on a cocktail of chemicals) and obesity." (Marrs, 2019)

So look for meats, poultry, fish and dairy products that are non-GMO, organic or pasture raised. Factory farmed animals are usually fed GMO grain and given regular doses of antibiotics to keep them alive until they're butchered.

To Lose Weight, Feed the Body What it Needs: Nutrients

  1. Eat REAL FOOD

  2. Avoid eating GMO foods whenever possible

  3. Avoid eating empty calories

  4. Eat non-GMO, organic and pasture raised whenever possible

To those who protest that organic and non-GMO food costs more

I agree with you that it shouldn't cost more to eat food that isn't toxic. But it's worth the money to eat organic and non-GMO as much as possible. Having cancer is even more expensive.

Our food supplies have been poisoned over the last 50 years. For those of us who can’t grow our own food, eating organic and non-GMO is the only way we have to protect ourselves

Three Evil Mega-companies: From Chemical Warfare to 'Crop Science'


Monsanto, an American agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology multinational giant, is often called the most hated GMO company in the world. It was folded into Bayer in 2018.

Monsanto was the developer (along with Bayer) of Agent Orange. "This was the toxic substance that was sprayed from planes by the US military during the wars that took place in 1960-1971. The substance killed over 400,000 people and created hundreds of thousands of birth defects eventually affecting more than 3 million people." (Roser, undated)

This graphic shows 12 toxic products Monsanto has released on the world and their dangerous effects:

See Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen: The Effects These 12 Dangerous Products Have Had On The World for a full size image of this graphic along with a timeline of when these products were released. (Parker/Waichman, 2020)


Bayer, a German chemical and pharmaceutical giant, is one of the most hated companies on earth. It's evil deeds go back to World War I, the Nazi era and the Vietnam War. Bayer produced poisonous gases used by the Germans during WWI: Mustard Gas used by German soldier and the nerve gas Zyklon-B used in the concentration camps at Auschwitz, Birkenau and elsewhere to kill millions of people during WWII.

".... During the Vietnam War, Bayer also teamed up with Monsanto to develop and produce the defoliant herbicide Agent Orange. Agent Orange was sprayed over millions of acres in Vietnam for over a decade in 'Operation Ranch Hand', despite numerous scientific studies and thousands, later millions, of medical cases linking the toxic chemical to birth defects and stillbirths in animals and humans."

More recently, Bayer's insecticides imidacloprid and clothianidin are responsible for bee death around the world. "Both substances are systemic chemicals that work their way from the seed through the plant. The substances also get into the pollen and the nectar and can damage beneficial insects such as bees. (Rosenberg & Cummins, 2016)


BASF, founded in 1865, is Germany's largest chemical company. XXXXXXX

From BASF's announcement of the deal with Bayer:

"The transaction is a strategic complement to BASF’s crop protection, biotech and digital farming activities and marks its entry into seeds, non-selective herbicides and nematicide seed treatments.

".... The agreements include Bayer’s global glufosinate-ammonium business; seeds businesses including traits, research and breeding capabilities, and trademarks for key row crops in select markets; the vegetable seeds business; the R&D platform for hybrid wheat; a range of seed treatment products; certain glyphosate-based herbicides in Europe, used predominantly for industrial applications; the complete digital farming platform xarvioTM; as well as certain non-selective herbicide and nematicide research projects. (BASF, 2018)

The FDA Does Not Test GMOs For Safety"

Do you believe your government is looking out for your safety? Read this.

"In recent testimony before Congress, the FDA stated that it is “confident that the GE foods in the U.S. marketplace today are as safe as their conventional counterparts.”

"However, FDA does not itself test whether genetically engineered foods are safe. The FDA has repeatedly made this clear (emphasis added). As Jason Dietz, a policy analyst at FDA explains about genetically engineered food: “It’s the manufacturer’s responsibility to insure that the product is safe.”Or, as FDA spokesperson Theresa Eisenman said, “it is the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that the [GMO] food products it offers for sale are safe"

"Nor does the FDA require independent pre-market safety testing for genetically engineered food. As a matter of practice, the agrichemical companies submit their own studies to the FDA as part of a voluntary “consultation.” Moreover, the FDA does not require the companies to submit full and complete information about these studies. Rather, as the FDA has testified, “After the studies are completed, a summary of the data and information on the safety and nutritional assessment are provided to the FDA for review.” (emphasis added)

"That the FDA does not see the complete data and studies is a problem, according to a Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews article by William Freese and David Schubert: the FDA never sees the methodological details, but rather only limited data and the conclusions the company has drawn from its own research….the FDA does not require the submission of data. And, in fact, companies have failed to comply with FDA requests for data beyond that which they submitted initially. Without test protocols or other important data, the FDA is unable to identify unintentional mistakes, errors in data interpretation, or intentional deception...

"At the end of the consultation, the FDA issues a letter ending the consultation. Here is a typical response from FDA, in its letter to Monsanto about its MON 810 Bt corn:

Based on the safety and nutritional assessment you have conducted, it is our understanding that Monsanto has concluded that corn products derived from this new variety are not materially different in composition, safety, and other relevant parameters from corn currently on the market, and that the genetically modified corn does not raise issues that would require premarket review or approval by FDA…. as you are aware, it is Monsanto’s responsibility to ensure that foods marketed by the firm are safe, wholesome [emphasis ours] and in compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

"This testing regime is insufficient for several other reasons.

"Most of the animal safety testing prepared for the FDA is merely short-term. A study in the International Journal of Biological Sciences summarizes the typical testing regime: “The most detailed regulatory tests on the GMOs are three-month long feeding trials of laboratory rats, which are biochemically assessed.” Such tests may well be too brief in duration to uncover pathologies that develop more slowly, such as many types of organ damage, endocrine disturbances and cancer.

"There are too few peer-reviewed studies on the health risks of genetically engineered food. In their 2004 article in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, William Freese and David Schubert wrote that, “Published, peer-reviewed studies, particularly in the area of potential human health impacts, are rare. For instance, the EPA’s human health assessment of Bt crops cites 22 unpublished corporate studies, with initially only one ancillary literature citation.” Similarly, a 2014 review in Environment International of 21 studies of the effects of genetically engineered foods on the digestive tracts of rats found an “incomplete picture” regarding “the toxicity (and safety) of GM products consumed by humans and animals.” In other words, it concludes that there is not enough evidence to say that genetically engineered foods are safe to eat (emphasis added).

"The FDA permits companies to submit their own safety studies, but does not require independent ones (emphasis added)"

- Ruskin. U.S. Right To Know: Pursuing truth and transparency for public health, 2015

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BASF. (2018). BASF closes acquisition of businesses and assets from Bayer. See:

Brogan, K. (undated). GMOs 101. See:

Center for Food Safety. (2023). GE Food and Your Health. See:

Delano, M. (2009). Impact of Roundup Ready Crops. See:

Funke, T. et al. (2006). Molecular basis for the herbicide resistance of Roundup Ready crops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 103:35, 13010-13015. See:,synthase%20(1%2C%202).

Hardin, J.R. (5/16/2016). The Cost of Not Eating Organic. See:

Hardin, J.R. (6/2/2016). Glyphosate in Your Urine, Tap Water & Breast Milk. See:

International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization. (2015). IARC Monographs Volume 112: evaluation of five organophosphate insecticides and herbicides. See:

Marrs, C. (2019). Glyphosate Induced Obesity? HORMONES MATTER. See:

Parker/Waichman. (2020). Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen: The Effects These 12 Dangerous Products Have Had On The World. See:

Pizzorno, J. (2014). Glutathione! Integrative Medicine,: A Clinician's Journal, 1:8–12. See:,POPs%2C%20many%20oxidative%20chemicals).

Puigbò, P. et al. (2022). Does Glyphosate Affect the Human Microbiota? Life, (12) 5:707. See:

Robinson, C., Antoniou, M, & Fagan, J. (2015). GMO Myths and Truths: A Citizen’s Guide to the Evidence on the Safety and Efficacy of Genetically Modified Crops and Foods, 3rd Edition. See:

Rosenberg, M. & Cummins, R. (2016). Bayer and Monsanto: A marriage made in hell. See:

Roser, H. (undated). How Monsanto aka Evil Corp is Making Us Sick. See:

Ruskin, G. (2015). The FDA does not test whether GMOs are safe. U.S. Right To Know. See:

YogaEsoteric. (2017). Fake food versus real food: American grocery stores offer a wide variety of… chemicals, toxins and dangerous ‘foods'. See:


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